
Levantia Seed

Levantia Seed

Chicory Palla Rossa

Levantia Seed > Chicory Palla Rossa

Chicory Palla rossa

0 Sel. Moretto

Early variety with high bolting tolerance. Compact and very homogeneous heads, with an attractive bright red color. Ideal for harvest from early September and for spring transplant. Suitable for fresh market.

Cycle – days after transplant
early – 50/55 days
Average weight
300 g
compact, homogeneous, bright red
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 15/7 5/8 beg SEP
Marche 25/7 5/8 mid SEP
Fucino 20/4 30/6 mid JUN
Latina 1/8 20/8 end SEP
Sud 25/7 5/8 end SEP
Sowing ratio
10 plants/m²

1 Sel. Zarlino

Good bolting tolerance.
Suitable for harvest from mid-September/October and spring transplantation.
Suitable for fresh market.

Cycle – days after transplant
early – 60/65 days
Average weight
300 g
compact, bright red heads
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 20/7 10/8 mid SEP
Marche 28/7 10/8 end SEP
Fucino 30/4 25/7 end JUN
Latina 1/8 25/8 beg OCT
Sud 1/8 15/8 beg OCT
Sowing ratio
9-10 plants/m²

2 Sel. Chiozzotto

Variety characterized by a good bolting tolerance.
Suitable for harvest in October.
Suitable for fresh market.

Cycle – days after transplant
early – 70/75 days
Average weight
350 g
homogeneous, heavy, bright red heads
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 10/8 15/8 mid OCT
Marche 10/8 20/8 mid OCT
Fucino 20/4 10/5 end JUN
Latina 10/8 25/8 mid OCT
Sud 8/8 15/8 mid OCT
Sowing ratio
9 plants/m²

3 Sel. Merlin

High-yield variety.
Suitable for harvest in end-October/beginning November.
Suitable for fresh and ready to eat market.

Cycle – days after transplant
medium-early – 80/85 days
Average weight
350 g
heavy, deep red heads
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 12/8 20/8 end OCT
Marche 15/8 20/8 beg NOV
Fucino 20/7 5/8 mid OCT
Latina 20/8 5/9 NOV
Sud 15/8 20/8 beg NOV
Sowing ratio
8 plants/m²

4 Sel. Zemei

The voluminous heads allow excellent yields.
Suitable for harvest in late autumn.
Suitable for fresh and ready to eat market.

Cycle – days after transplant
medium-late – 90/95 days
Average weight
400 g
very voluminous, deep red
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 15/8 22/8 mid NOV
Marche 17/8 23/8 mid NOV
Fucino 25/7 30/7 end OCT
Latina 22/8 10/9 end NOV
Sud 20/8 25/8 end NOV
Sowing ratio
7 plants/m²

5 Sel. Renier

Very resistant to low winter temperatures.
Suitable for end of year harvests.
Suitable for fresh and ready to eat market.

Cycle – days after transplant
late – 100/110 days
Average weight
450 g
tightly closed, bright red heads
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 15/8 25/8 beg DEC
Marche 20/8 28/8 beg DEC
Fucino 30/7 10/8 end NOV
Latina 10/9 13/9 mid DEC
Sud 22/8 28/8 beg DEC
Sowing ratio
7 plants/m²

6 Sel. Morgan

Frost resistant variety.
Suitable for harvest in middle winter.
Suitable for fresh and ready to eat market.

Cycle – days after transplant
late – 120/125 days
Average weight
500 g
voluminous heads, thick leaves and deep red color
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 20/8 28/8 end DEC
Marche 25/8 3/9 beg JAN
Latina 10/9 18/9 mid JAN
Sud 25/8 30/8 end DEC
Sowing ratio
7 plants/m²

7 Sel. Drake

Variety with high resistance to harsh winter temperatures.
Suitable for late winter harvest.
Suitable for fresh and ready to eat market.

Cycle – days after transplant
late – 135/145 days
Average weight
500 g
heavy and tightly closed heads, bright red color
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 20/8 28/8 JAN-FEB
Marche 25/8 05/9 JAN-FEB
Latina 10/9 15/9 beg FEB
Sud 25/8 30/8  JAN
Sowing ratio
7 plants/m²

8 Sel. Vigo

Late cycle variety, with high resistance to low winter temperatures. Voluminous and homogeneous heads, with bright red color. Suitable for winter harvest. Ideal for refrigeration storage. Destined for fresh and ready to eat market.

Cycle – days after transplant
late – 145/150 days
Average weight
500 g
voluminous, homogeneous,
bright red
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 20/8 28/8 JAN-FEB
Marche 25/8 5/9 JAN-FEB
Latina 10/9 20/9 beg FEB
Sud 25/8 30/8  end JAN
Sowing ratio
7 plants/m²

Variegata Marinanta

Variety characterized by a particular resistance to low winter temperatures.
Ideal for harvest in January/February.
Suitable for fresh market.

Cycle – days after transplant
late – 135/145 days
Average weight
500 g
heavy and uniform heads, leaves are typically red variegated
suggested date
from to from
Veneto 18/8 28/8 JAN-FEB
Marche 25/8 05/9 JAN-FEB
Latina 10/9 15/9 end JAN
Sud 25/8 30/8  JAN
Sowing ratio
8 plants/m²